Code for parsing a JSON document
These auxiliary classes help retrieving the values of the different types of JSON objects:
// This common class is the base of all classes parsed from the JSON
class CC[T] { def unapply(a:Any):Option[T] = Some(a.asInstanceOf[T]) }
// Now, for every type that we might recover, we have a specialized class
// M (map) and L (list) will be used to recover embedded objects from the JSON
object M extends CC[Map[String, Any]]
object L extends CC[List[Any]]
object S extends CC[String]
object D extends CC[Double]
object B extends CC[Boolean]
Now, after parsing the JSON structure, we crawl along it and extract the needed fields
def parseJSONData(data: String) : List[UseCase] = {
// We crawl along the JSON structure, retrieving the columns that will form our table structure
val resultList = for {
Some(M(json)) <- List(JSON.parseFull(data))
} yield {